speaking engagements

My Year of Saying Yes to Everything
In her TED Talk, Shonda shares what she learned when she stopped saying no.

Shonda Rhimes: ‘How Can I Inspire Anyone if I Am Hiding?’
At Elle’s Women in Hollywood awards, she told us to “Come together. Work together. Brag together. Be powerful together.”

Shonda Rhimes on the Future of Storytelling
In this just-released TED conversation, Shonda discusses the power of storytelling for writers and audiences alike.

Shonda’s Dartmouth Commencement Speech
In one of her favorite speeches — written about in “Year of Yes” — Shonda challenges the Dartmouth College class of 2014 to do more than just dream.

Re-evaluating the Glass Ceiling
Watch Shonda accept the Sherry Lansing Award at The Hollywood Reporter‘s Women in Entertainment breakfast in 2014.

Shonda and Lisa Ling In Conversation
Watch Shonda speak with journalist Ling at the Intuit Quickbooks Connect Conference.